Calgary country-punk Dirty rock, clean honky-tonk
We play it all
Coming at ya like a rocket sled on rails!
Agriculture Club is back, with new music and new shows! Our moms are excited. Yours will be too.
Fuses the blitzkrieg bop energy of early punk rock with the kind of country where you can smell the mud and the blood and the beer.
– The Georgia Straight
Calgary’s Agriculture Club sow their sonic seeds with the hard-hitting ferocity of a drunken tractor fight. The band maintains a keen balance between rip-snorting rock and wailing twang…without getting bogged down in formulaic ground. A prevailing element of reverence indicates these guys take their rock a little more seriously than appearances may suggest.
– Exclaim Magazine
Breaker, Breaker! Got yer ears on?

May 22, 2024
Hey folks – we have a bunch of really cool stuff to share! We have a couple great gig announcements coming at you for June! Firstly, on June 7, we are opening up for Calgary punkers Downway at Tracks Pub in Olds, Alberta! One night only! We are excited to play Olds – it has been a really long time since we have been out in Central Alberta and we are ready to kick it old-school!
Our next big announcement is actually pretty big! We are playing the King Edward Hotel aka The King Eddy in Calgary on June 22! We have never played there before and are ready to rock that house from coast to coast like butter and toast, ya hear? Such a cool venue – super fancy. You can save a buck or 5 by getting tickets through this link: Showpass See you soon, buckaroos!

March 5, 2024
Whoa, Nellie! We have some super fun and exciting announcements to make! First off, please welcome Blank Williams IV into the Agriculture Club fold! We are super happy to have him come in and bang on the ol’ skins for us – he is a great drummer and a super nice dude! Nextly, we want to let everyone know we have a show coming up at Mikeys’s on 12th on April 12, 2024! We have been practicing hard and have been working on new songs (!!!!), so make sure to come on out and see us! We will be joined by the mighty Rambling Ambassadors (with Brent Cooper of Huevos Rancheros fame) and Pepper-Box (fronted by our old pal Eve Hell), so make sure to call up and make a reservation at Mikey’s! Catch ya on the flip-flop good buddies!

August 9, 2023
Yes, friends, it is almost time for Waynestock! We are playing on Saturday, Sept. 2 on the main stage! We are so excited to be playing there and we can’t wait! We have to make sure to point out that you can bring all the younger Ag Club pals to this one as it is ALL AGES! Make sure to check out the Waynestock website for all the details on tickets and the full schedule!

May 26, 2023
Hot diggety, let me tell you how excited we are for Stampede! It is so hard to believe that it is right around the corner, friends. Mikey’s on 12th is going to be the place to be on the first Saturday of Stampede, so start shining up your boots and get ready to rock at the hottest place in town! Our awesome friends Battle River are playing with us and and are going to blow the doors out of the ol’ joint, so make sure you come out on July 8!

April 27, 2023
Hey Ag friends! We sure had a great time playing at Mikey’s on 12th a few days ago! Mike, Trevor, and the whole gang treated us great. In fact, we had so much fun, we are going to do it again at Mikey’s – except during the greatest outdoor show on Earth – The Calgary Stampede! That’s right, folks – July 8 at Mikey’s during Stampede will be a one-way ticket to crazytown! And that’s not all!!!! We are also playing one of the most venerable and fun gigs during Stampede – Hank and Patsy Night at the Ship and Anchor here in Calgary! We are super excited to be invited back to the Ship to play this bad boy. It is always an amazing time! Photo by our bro Jon Hayden.

March 28, 2023
Whoooooo!!!! Check out these good looking cowpokes! AC got a fun promo pic done – what do you think? You sure wouldn’t want to meet these fellas at your local late-night truck stop! Or would you?!??!!

March 13, 2023
Howdy Pardners! Wow, what a fun announcement! We are thrilled to let y’all know that we will be playing Waynestock 2023! This – if’n ya don’t know – is a super-fun all ages festival happening Sept. 1-3 just outside of Drumheller in the hamlet of Wayne, Alberta. Camping, bands, friends, & good times. Check out the website for early-bird pricing!
More info coming soon!

March 8, 2023
We are as happy as a hound dog with two tails to let y’all in on some of the stuff happening in Ag-Club land. A HUGE thanks to everyone who showed up at our gig in November at the Palomino here in Calgary – it was a super fun time! Thanks also to Dan and all the fine folks at the Palomino, they sure know how to treat folks nice there.
Our next show is around the corner! We are playing Mikey’s on 12th on April 22 with our pals Heartbreak Etcetera. It is going to be hotter than a jalapeno-eating contest, let me tell you!
Keep your ears on, good buddies – we have a BUNCH of exciting announcements coming up that we are super stoked about!
Listen to Agriculture Club
See Agriculture Club Live
June 7, 2024
Tracks Pub
Olds, Alberta
Openers, baby!

April 12, 2024
Mikey’s on 12th
Calgary, Alberta
w/ Rambling Ambassadors and Pepper-Box

September 2, 2023
Wayne, Alberta
Main Stage Saturday 11pm – All Ages Festival

July 8, 2023
Mikey’s on 12th
Calgary, Alberta
Calgary Stampede Extravaganza w/ Battle River

July 12, 2023
Ship and Anchor
Calgary, Alberta
Hank and Patsy Night

Follow Us
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In the spirit of reconciliation, Agriculture Club acknowledges that we live, work and play on the traditional territories of the Blackfoot Confederacy (Siksika, Kainai, Piikani), the Tsuut’ina, the Îyâxe Nakoda Nations, the Métis Nation (Region 3), and all people who make their homes in the Treaty 7 region of Southern Alberta.